For most of my life, I never thought of myself as a writer. It wasn’t something I’d previously aspired to be. Creatively I’d always preferred drawing, but I’d set my art tools aside when I became an adult with real-world responsibilities. No time for being creative, I reasoned. I had bills to pay. One day, out of the blue, I realized it had been thirty years since I’d picked up a sketch pad, so decided to try my hand at it again. Unfortunately, or so I thought at the time, the first thing I attempted to draw refused to be drawn. In place of the image I had in my head, a red-haired boy riding a horse in a field of flowers appeared on the page. At first I fought against it, but then I decided to go with the flow. If nothing else, it could be used for practice, and I could always throw it in the trash, which I fully expected to do. By the time I finished the colored-pencil picture, (which took weeks,) I knew not only the boy’s name, but his world, his history, and all the challenges he and his friends faced. The experience was so profound, I decided there must be a reason for it. I jotted down some notes so I wouldn’t forget the story he had “told” me, and the next thing I knew, those notes had turned into four novels.

Series: Souls of Aredyrah, Book #1
In the world of Aredyrah, things are not what they seem. An ancient Purge has plunged the island into darkness, isolating its cultures by superstition and fear. Dayn lives in the northernmost region of Kirador and knows nothing of the great city-state of Tearia far to the south. All he knows is the Kiradyns are the only survivors of a god’s fiery wrath, and he looks nothing like them. Meanwhile Ruairi, a prince destined for greatness, resents his Tearian obligations, longing for a life he can never hope to have. But when tragedy takes his beauty as well as his name, he finds himself exiled by the very beliefs he once held dear. Both boys long for acceptance in societies that cling to religious ideals, but when fate throws them together, Dayn and Ruairi discover some unwelcome truths: not only are they bound by blood and prophecy, but the teachings they have been raised on are nothing more than lies. Will they reveal what they have learned, risking their lives and the security of those they love? Or will they keep silent, denying their destinies and the future enlightenment of their world?
Buy the Book
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Hell Fyre Risen - Guest Post
Tracy A. Akers is a former language arts teacher and an award-winning author. She grew up in Arlington, Texas, but currently lives in Florida with her husband, three naughty pugs, and a feisty chihuahua. She graduated with honors from the University of South Florida with a degree in Education, and has taught in both public and private schools. She currently divides her time between writing, lecturing, spending time with her family, and costuming at fantasy and science fiction conventions.
Ms. Akers has won numerous awards for her Souls of Aredyrah fantasy series for young adults. As a Florida Book Awards winner, she was acknowledged for her contribution to YA literature by the Governor of Florida during the 2008 Florida Heritage Month Awards Ceremony. Books One and Two of the Aredyrah Series are included in the Florida Department of Education’s 2008 Just Read Families Recommended Summer Reading List. In addition, Ms. Akers has been an invited guest author at major book events and writers’ conferences, a panelist at fantasy and science fiction conventions, and was on the steering committee for Celebration of the Story, a literary event held at Saint Leo University.
The Souls of Aredyrah Series is Ms. Akers’ first series of novels for young adults.
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